Latest News

17 Jan 2017

Hartlepool - EMRO to be revisited again?

It may be recalled that in 2013 Hartlepool was the first council to look to adopt an Early Morning Restriction Order (EMRO), only for the attempt to fall away at the eventual hearing which we attended. (Blackpool subsequently followed suit but the...

13 Jan 2017

Changes to copyright laws - calling all operators!

Please bear with us on this (and read on!) – but recently introduced changes to section 72 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 will affect most, if not all, operators and letters of demand for additional licence fees are already i...

11 Jan 2017

Scotland - public health causal link 'required'

We have been alerted to a recent appeal court decision in which the Sheriff determined that a Licensing Board must find a causal link between the application to be determined and a finding that an increase in the availability of alcohol would lead...

11 Jan 2017

Gambling – 10 year club gaming permits, club machine permits and family entertainment centre permits due for renewal

The Commission is now reminding that 10 year club gaming permits, club machine permits and family entertainment centre permits issued under the Gambling Act 2005 will come up for renewal this year and that operators affected will  need to app...

06 Jan 2017


On the 9th February the Award for Licensing Practitioners (Alcohol) Course will be delivered at our offices in Sheffield.  This is a British Institute of Inn Keeping accredited award and is designed to equip those involved in the administrati...

22 Dec 2016

Gambling - Proposals for Commission fees from April 2017

Following a joint consultation carried out by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and the Gambling Commission, the Commission now published the responses to this consultation. These are detailed within the responses document: ...