
What can I use a Temporary Event Notice (TEN) for?

To permit licensable activities at premises that does not have Premises Licence (for instance a field, a village hall etc).


If the premises already has a licence you can use a TEN to:

  • increase hours
  • add licensable activities
  • suspend conditions

How can I extend my premises hours to sell alcohol on a permanent basis?

If a licensed premises wishes to extend their hours for sale by retail of alcohol, this would need to be dealt with by way of a section 34 variation (s34) application.

This application would incur a Council fee which is based on the non-domestic rateable value of the premises. The application would be served on all of the responsible authorities and advertisement of the application would need to be made in the local press and at the premises.

A s34 application has a 28 day consultation period and if no objections are received, the variation is granted. If there are objections which cannot be resolved then there would be a hearing before the Licensing Sub- Committee to determine the application.

I have a large area next to my premises and I would like to use this for one off events such as a beer festival or a marquee for a wedding reception. How do I do this?

You can do this by way of a Temporary Event Notice. This is a relatively straight forward application that can be used to permit licensable activities at venue, field or specified area that does not have the benefit of a Premises Licence.

An application must be completed and served with the fee of £21 on the Licensing Authority. Copies of the application must also be served on the Environmental Health Department and the Police with at least 10 clear working days before the event and this cannot include the day of service.

Please note that there are strict restrictions and limits imposed on both an applicant and the premises under a TEN that you will need to be aware of before submitting the Notice.

If you need are looking to operate in this manner on a more permanent basis, you would need to licence. You may be able to do so by varying your existing premises licence to include this are/ marquee, but more likely, you will need to apply for a new premises licence.

What is the notice period for a Temporary Event Notice?

There are 2 types of Temporary Event Notice (TEN), regular and late. A regular TEN must be made at least 10 clear working days before the event, not including the day the Licensing Authority receives the TEN or the day of the event.  Remember that bank holiday and weekends are not ‘working days’. An application for a late TEN must be given at least 5 clear working days before the event.

Please note, that a late TEN can effectively be vetoed by the Police or Environmental Health Officers and there are no rights of appeal.  Where possible a regular TEN should sought and as much notice as possible should be given.

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