'Local Alcohol Action Areas' announced

13 Feb

Last October, the Home Office wrote to Local Authority Chief Executives inviting expressions of interest to take part in a Local Alcohol Action Area (LAAA) project, which aimed to offer up to 20 areas with ‘high alcohol-related harms’ help with local initiatives over a 15 month period.

As part of the project, the Home Office and Public Health England would provide advice and support to areas in formulating their action plans and reviewing progress.  The advice and support will be non-prescriptive and it will be up to Local Authorities to decide their own priorities for local action or how large an area to focus on. Additional funding is not offered as part of the support.

Projects had to be in line with three key aims:

  • tackling alcohol-related crime and disorder;
  • reducing alcohol-related health harms; and
  • promoting growth by establishing diverse and vibrant night-time economies.

The Home Office has today announced the twenty LAAAs which have been selected, with the aims for each. See link - https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/278742/LAAAs.pdf

The Authorities selected are: Blackpool, Croydon, Doncaster, Gloucester City, Gravesham, Greater Manchester, Halton, Hastings, Liverpool, Middlesbrough, Newham, Northamptonshire, Nottinghamshire County, Pembrokeshire, Scarborough, Slough Borough, Southend on Sea, Stoke on Trent, Swansea and Weston super Mare. 

Law correct at the date of publication.
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