Gaming Machine stakes and prize increase edges closer

29 Nov

On the 27 November the long awaited Statutory Instrument setting out the revision to stakes and prizes for gaming machines following the reintroduced Triennial Review was passed by the delegated legislative committee in the Houses of Parliament.  On 2 December the matter will be voted on by the main Chamber who are expected to rubber stamp the decision on the Committee.

European Commission approval, which is required before the new stakes can be implemented, is expected on the 13th January 2014.

The revised figures are detailed in our earlier article: 'Triennial Review Of Stake And Prize Limits On Gaming Machines'.

Those within the industry and who followed the debates will have noted that the issue of player protection was a recurring theme that caused concern for many.

These debates may be taken as further warning for the industry to address this issue quickly and comprehensively before Government intervenes.  Research on the issue is ongoing, funded by industry, but is yet to identify a clear strategy.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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