Lambeth Policy consultation shortly to expire!

02 Oct

We do not generally news licensing policy consultations but that for Lambeth is imminently to expire - 7 October 2013.

Some fairly draconian measures are under consideration.  According to their website these include:

  • requirements that license holders demonstrate that they know their area and have engaged with neighbours
  • a joint commitment to enforce the terms of licenses; this applies to residents’ groups and licensee forums, but also to individual residents and businesses
  • Evidence of voluntary self-policing by businesses; elsewhere self-imposed policies like “no single can sales” have helped generate confidence among residents.

When a business applies for a licence they will be expected to include :

  • a clearly structured schedule of opening hours
  • a plan for adapting to the neighbourhood.

They are considering the adoption of an EMRO and /or a Late Night Levy:

  • late night levies to help pay for policing (with 70 per cent automatically going straight to the police)
  • early Morning Restriction Orders (EMROs), banning alcohol sales at certain times.  

They want businesses to take several steps to protect patrons and particularly female patrons:

  • giving customers numbers for trusted minicabs, and ensuring all minicabs operating outside the premises are vetted
  • providing safe places for women to sober up before leaving bars and nightclubs
  • giving staff specific training on how to identify and deal with sexual harassment.

‘Protection of young people is also a key priority’. They propose the following steps to eradicate underage drinking:

  • replacing the current ‘three strikes’ policy before they take action with a ‘one strike’ policy
  • planning more undercover test purchases, to identify places that are serving young people
  • encouraging businesses to adopt Challenge 25.

The consultation can be found here: LINK

Law correct at the date of publication.
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