Scotland - alcohol sales 'rise'

28 Aug

Propel is this morning reporting that alcohol sales in Scotland apparently increased last year, at least according to latest figures. An NHS report claims that  the equivalent of 41 bottles of vodka or 114 bottles of wine per adult were sold in 2014. The Scottish Government is quoted as saying that the figures reinforced the need for minimum unit pricing. NHS Scotland warned that increased consumption would result in higher levels of alcohol-related illness and deaths. The figures are in contrast to a trend for declining alcohol sales seen in recent years. They showed most of the alcohol – 72% – was bought through supermarkets or off-licences, rather than in pubs and clubs – the highest market share since recording began in 1994. Scots continue to drink almost a fifth more than in England and Wales. The statistics also highlighted that for the first time since 2007, the average price per unit in the off-trade has not increased and remains at 52p. However, more than half of alcohol sold in off-trade costs below 50p per unit – the initial level proposed for minimum unit pricing.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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