
23 Dec 2015

Scotland – Minimum Unit Pricing European Ruling

In September 2015, we reported on the Advocate General’s initial opinion on the legality of the introduction of a Minimum Unit Price (MUP) for alcohol in Scotland. In brief, the Advocate General confirmed that MUP risked infringing the prin...

22 Dec 2015

Scotland - Edinburgh Board lodging dates 2016

It has just been confirmed that the  last lodging dates for the upcoming Edinburgh Licensing Boards are as follows: Board Dates Lodging Date 14th March 2016 18th January 2016 25th April 2016 29th February 2016 30th May 2016 4th April ...

21 Dec 2015

Scotland - Taxis - Edinburgh City Council Consultation

On 18th December the City of Edinburgh issued a formal consultation of their Private Hire Car licence conditions. First introduced in June 2006, the conditions were last reviewed in December 2009.  The consultation which runs until the 29th ...

14 Dec 2015

Scotland - A further client appointment

We are pleased to be able to confirm that we have recently been appointed to advise Trust Inns in relation to a significant part of their Scottish licensing estate. JG&P have acted within England and Wales for many years for Trust Inns. Partn...

07 Dec 2015

Scotland - and that reduced Drink Driving limit!

Propel is today reporting that the number of drink-driving offences in Scotland has fallen since the legal limit was lowered a year ago. Police figures apparently show offending in the nine months after December 2014 fell by 12.5% compared with th...

02 Dec 2015

New THINK drink drive campaign materials

The BBPA is alerting to ‘the availability of new THINK drink drive campaign materials including a selection of new posters and Facebook images for pubs and bars, designed to encourage customers to make the right choice by not driving after d...