Scotland - Gambling - Commission Warning to Scottish Pubs


03 Feb

Publicans in Scotland are being reminded that they are breaking the law if they allow their pubs to be used for betting or provide facilities enabling betting. 

This warning follows a multi-agency exercise undertaken by the Gambling Commission with officers from Police Scotland and from Aberdeenshire licensing authorities.  The exercise involved awareness raising visits to several pubs in north-east Scotland to highlight the requirements of the Gambling Act.

Helen Venn, Gambling Commission programme director, is reported as saying: “We want to remind publicans and other business operators that they should not be allowing their premises to be used for betting or providing facilities for betting. Individuals who facilitate illegal betting risk possible imprisonment and/or a significant fine. We are committed to developing effective co-regulation of the gambling sector across Britain with all of our partners, ensuring fair and open gambling, preventing criminal activity in connection with gambling and protecting children and the vulnerable.” 

The recent exercise followed an operation involving Police Scotland and licensing authority staff in November 2015 which was apparently the first multi-agency operation of this sort since the establishment of Police Scotland in April 2013.  

The Commission have recently published a ‘Quick Guide to gaming in pubs', as we have previously reported.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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