Local Authorities Wide Discretion confirmed... again!
On the 27th March we reported the outcome of a Judicial Review Application by Operators of Sexual Entertainment Venues (SEV) in Leeds, Bean Leisure and Ruby May, which upheld Leeds' decision not to renew the SEV licence of the Applicants and affir...
Banning the sale of alcohol below the cost of duty plus VAT - new mandatory condition delayed
Following the proposed implementation of the new mandatory licence condition by way of the Licensing Act 2003 (Mandatory Licensing Conditions) Order 2014 (see our previous article here), it has been reported that the Home Office has delayed the re...
Barrow - Possible reduction in licensed hours?
In late 2013 The Barrow Alcohol Inquiry Report was published (the report can be viewed here: 'The Barrow Alcohol Inquiry Report'). This was a report commissioned by Cumbria County Council and Cumbria Clinical Commissioning Group which made va...
Wales - Minimum Alcohol Price & Ban on electric cigarettes in enclosed public places
The Welsh Government has today published a White Paper which seeks to address public health concerns. The proposals include a minimum alcohol price of 50p per unit, the same price as that currently being considered by the Scottish High Court. The...
Leeds SEV Operators Lose Judicial Review
Following from our article of the 19th December - 'Leeds Lap Dancing Clubs seek Judicial Review' the approved Judgement of the first hearings on the 6th & 7th March has now been released. The Applications for Judicial Review failed and the Cou...
Visit us at the Northern Restaurant and Bar Show - 18 and 19 March 2014
We are ‘colourfully' on stand 725 and would be very pleased to see you.
JG&P Partner elected as Chair of IOL North East
Following a meeting of the North East region of the Institute of Licensing yesterday, partner Tim Shield has been elected as Chair of the region. As a firm we have supported the organisation both regionally and nationally for a number of years an...