Camden Council launches late night levy consultation
Camden Council has launched a consultation on introducing a Late Night Levy for premises selling alcohol between 00.00 and 06.00. The only proposed exemption is for premises open between the above hours on New Year’s Day (i.e. New Year&rsqu...
Personal licences renewal arrangements - latest.
It is rather like watching paint dry! As previously reported, the relevant House of Lords Committee sat on 3 and 5 February and most recently on 11 February, but did not apparently consider or comment on the proposals within the Deregulatio...
Victoria Pub - Magistrates uphold Licensing Authority's revocation decision
In September we reported on the Victoria Pub case which tentatively considered the effect of Interim Steps, following the issue of an ‘expedited review’ brought against the Victoria Pub in Hayes in relation to allegations of drug deali...
Late Night Levy - Tameside say "Not at the moment... maybe later"
Plans to introduce a late night levy across Tameside were shelved at a meeting of the full Council this week. The proposal to apply a levy to premises retailing alcohol between 00:01hr and 06:00hr daily would have, it was initially thought, raise...
Business Improvement Districts - and the Late Night Levy
As part of the town centre announcement in December 2013, a commitment was made by Department for Communities and Local Government for a review of Business Improvement Districts (BIDs). The review was undertaken during the spring and summer 2014 i...
Scunthorpe - Next to try for an EMRO? Apparently not!
It has been reported that North Lincolnshire Council was looking at possible proposals to introduce an Early Morning Restriction Order (EMRO) which, if successful, would have affected premises trading beyond 3.00 or 4.00am. We have now been ...