Breathalysers in pubs and clubs - next stop Chester?
We have previously commented on the recent trend for the use of breathalysers on persons seeking entry to licensed premises, particularly in the evening; see our article 'Breathalysers in pubs and clubs - a cause for concern?' News of their...
Weymouth and Portland EMRO? Not now!
At the full Licensing Committee of Weymouth and Portland Council held on the 9 July, Councillors rejected proposals to consult upon the implementation of an EMRO in their district citing a lack of evidence to support the proposition. Dorset Polic...
Cheltenham Late Night Levy
As previously reported, Cheltenham Borough Council (Cheltenham) introduced their own Late Night Levy (LNL) on 1st April 2014. In response to a Freedom of Information request following the Levy's first anniversary, Cheltenham's answers reveal a sub...
Camden Council - Late Nigh Levy - Update
As we have earlier reported Camden are in the process of consulting on the implementation of a Late Night Levy, the proposed hours being midnight to 6am. The Consultation period closed on the 8 May 2015 with in excess of 180 responses being ...
Scotland - Air Weapons and Licensing (Scotland) Bill progresses
The Air Weapons and Licensing (Scotland) Bill, which seeks (among other things) to make numerous and significant changes to the Licensing Act (Scotland) 2005, was debated in the Scottish Parliament yesterday when the general princip...
New Criminal Court Charges
On the 19th March the Government laid a commencement Order in Parliament enacting several sections of the Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015, including provisions relating to 'Criminal Court Charges'. With effect from the 16th April adults plea...