Alcohol licensing: a guide for public health teams issued
Public Health England has produced a guide to health teams to ‘make sure that licensing policy and applications consider the health and wellbeing of local communities’. The guidance is intended to inform on how directors of publi...
Scotland – Licensing Board dates 2017
Operators familiar with the Scottish licensing system will be aware of the importance of when a Board sits to consider a particular application. This is particularly significant for dates from May onwards, given the hiatus to the fixing of such d...
Immigration Act 2016 - and its implications for licensing - update and commencement
We refer to our previous news outlining proposed changes to the Licensing Act 2003 being introduced by the above Act ( The amendments to the Licensing Act i...
Cheltenham first Council to reverse LNL
On Friday evening the full council of Cheltenham met and decided to abolish the Late Night Levy (LNL) which they had adopted in 2014. Cheltenham is the first council to abolish the LNL. It would appear that there were 2 material factors ...
British Summer Time (and Easter) - be aware and be prepared!
British Summer Time (BST) (or more properly Daylight Saving Time) starts at 1.00am Sunday 26 March 2017 when 1.00am immediately becomes 2.00am. If you are proposing and are able to trade beyond 1.00am, you need to be aware and have hopefully the ...
Child Sex Exploitation (CSE) Avoidance – a brief
This is an area of increasing concern for society - but also for the leisure and hospitality industry in particular. We are seeing increased attention (including ‘test purchasing’) being given to operators by the authorities who expec...