Industry News

12 Jul 2023

John Gaunt & Partners to Deliver Training Sessions on Behalf of the Institute of Licensing

John Gaunt & Partners Licensing Solicitors will be delivering a number of training sessions on behalf of the Institute of Licensing over the next couple of months. The courses cover a variety of subjects, including: Preparing for Court (Half ...

11 Jul 2023

Vape spiking

Vape spiking is typically when an e-cigarette/vape is laced with a substance such as synthetic marijuana, painkillers or vaporised LSD. Last month a festival goer at the Isle of Wight festival lost consciousness and suffered a seizure followi...

03 Jul 2023

New Fire Safety Guidance for small holiday lets

VisitBritain/Visit England has issued guidance for people operating small let accommodation. The guidance covers premises that accommodate no more than 10 people and where the accommodation is not above the first floor. It also applies to smaller ...

30 Jun 2023

Scotland Report on Impact of Hospitality

The Fraser of Allander Institute has released a report on the future of hospitality in Scotland. The report highlights the importance of the hospitality sector to the Scottish economy but also notes that workers in the sector are often underpaid a...

23 Jun 2023

Drug testing facilities at festivals

For several years a number of large Summer music festivals have provided back-of-house facilities to test drugs circulating on-site. This has been seen as an important safety issue, especially when extremely potent substances can be mixed into pro...

22 Jun 2023

Tipping Rules - Now Law

 We have previously tracked the progress of the Employment (Allocation of Tips) Bill through its Parliamentary trials. The Bill was given Royal assent on 2nd May 2023 and is now the Employment (Allocation of Tips) Act 2023. The law won&rsqu...