Industry News

08 Mar 2016

Policing and Crime Bill - have your say!

Last month we reported on the introduction of the Policing and Crime Bill. The Bill has now passed its second reading without a division and unsurprisingly without comment being passed on the licensing elements. This means the next stage is for MP...

07 Mar 2016

Employers Vicarious Liability - "Close Connection" Test

On 2 March 2016 the Supreme Court published their judgement in the case of Mr A M Mohamud (in substitution for Mr A Mohamud (deceased)) (Appellant) v WM Morrison Supermarkets plc (Respondent). This case concerned the actions of a Morrison’s...

07 Mar 2016

British Summer Time and Easter - be aware and be prepared!

Easter falls relatively early this year - the weekend of 26/27 March.  However BST (or more properly Daylight Saving Time) also starts at 1.00am Sunday 27 March 2016 (NB this is the night of Easter Saturday/Sunday), when 1.00am immediately be...

07 Mar 2016

'CMA takes enforcement action against fake online reviews' - be aware!

The Competition and Markets Authority’s (CMA) is warning the hospitality industry to check the services provided by its online marketing agencies after a CMA investigation found clients were unaware that fake positive reviews may have been p...

04 Mar 2016

Scotland - Zero Waste Regulations - update

With effect from 1January 2016, the threshold for businesses affected by the Zero Waste Regulations 2012 changed.  Whereas previously only businesses producing more than 50 kg of food waste a week, the threshold has now dropped to 5kg. It i...

04 Mar 2016

Age-restricted products and services - reminder

News in the press of ‘kitchen knives, razor blades and an axe illegally sold to teenagers in a test purchase operation across West Yorkshire’ recently is a reminder that not just alcohol and tobacco are age restricted and that test pur...