Premises Licence
Gambling - Code of practice for gaming machines in clubs and premises with an alcohol licence
A (possibly timely) reminder for licensed premises which have provision of facilities for gaming machine gambling in accordance with club gaming, club machine and alcohol licensed premises permits. There is Gambling Commission Guidance in place w...
Sheffield - under-aged test purchasing alert
South Yorkshire Police have issued a warning of on-going test purchasing operations over the summer. This follows an operation carried out by the South East Sheffield Local Policing Team at the weekend, when 12 shops were visited by under-aged cus...
HoL Licensing Committee receives Home Office Briefing document
We have already reported on the recent establishment of this Committee. In a briefing memorandum supplied by the Home Office into the working of the 2003 Licensing Act, they state that the Act is to remain “a fundamental pillar in both nati...
Cheltenham Late Night Levy – Potential Rethink
In January this year we reported on the sensitive approach adopted by Cheltenham to the interaction of the Late Night Levy (LNL) and establishment of a Business Improvement District (BID). A BID has now been established and will take effect from ...
Scotland - Edinburgh Board lodging dates 2016
It has just been confirmed that the last lodging dates for the upcoming Edinburgh Licensing Boards are as follows: Board Dates Lodging Date 29th August 2016 4th July 2016 26th September 2016 1st August 2016 31st October ...
Nightclub criticised after student rape
A nightclub has been criticised by a Judge after an allegedly drunk student was ejected from the premises before being subsequently abducted and raped in the back of a van. The nightclub removed the teenager after she collapsed in the Birmingham ...
Sheffield - Tramlines Festival - Inner City Music - 22 - 24 July 2016
The annual Tramlines Music Festival is running in central Sheffield between 22 and 24 July 2016 - The Sheffield Authorities have issued some ‘good housekeeping’ guidance which can be found here. The Guida...