England & Wales
Licensing: Prevention of Crime and Disorder Objective: London Nightclub Loses its Licence
It has been reported that an exclusive nightclub in London has lost its licence after serious crime and disorder issues. Opium Nightclub, the winner of a “Luxury Lifestyle Award” in the category of Best Luxury Nightclub (London 2019) ...
Brent Statement of Licensing Policy - 24-Hour City
Brent Council are currently consulting on the introduction of a new statement of licensing policy. The consultation will run until 4th October 2019. The draft includes policies for the introduction of ten cumulative impact zones where street...
Offensive Weapons Consultation
National Trading Standards have today published data relating to test purchase operations carried out between 1st April 2018 and 31st March 2019 concerning the sale of knives to children (under 18s). It is illegal to sell knives to Children save ...
Greater Manchester Night Time Economy Blueprint issued
Greater Manchester’s Night Time Economy Adviser has recently issued the Greater Manchester Night Time Economy Blueprint focusing on the night time economy period between the hours of 6pm and 6am. The report looks at “a series of prior...
The Purple Guide and Website Updated
The Purple Guide provides useful advice when running events for the public and has been recently refreshed and updated. Produced on a Non-Profit basis by the Events Industry Forum (EIF) it is of particular use to those putting on Music events, bu...
Southwark - Unanimously approve introduction of Late Night Levy
We have previously reported on the progress of a proposed Southwark Late Night Levy Scheme (Levy). On Wednesday evening (17th July), at a full Council Assembly, Southwark councillors unanimously approved the introduction of a Levy in respect...
Successful application in new City of York 'red zone'
City of York Council has included a Cumulative Impact Area (CIA) within its Licensing Policy since 2005. Following statutory changes to CIAs last year the Council reviewed its policy further and recently introduced a new ‘red zone’ are...