England & Wales
BBPA release 'An Open Welcome Making your pub more accessible for customers'
The BBPA released on Tuesday, a helpful briefing document in relation to increasing access to public houses for all members of the community - 'An Open Welcome – Making your pub more accessible for customers'. It addresses a number of ...
Wales will introduce 50p MUP in March.
As previously reported, on Tuesday 12th November the National Assembly for Wales convened to debate regulations which would lead to the introduction of a Minimum Unit Price (MUP) for alcohol. The Regulations were approved by the members whi...
75th Anniversary of Victory in Europe (VE) Day – Government announce Plan to Extend Licensing Hours in England and Wales
Next year marks the 75th anniversary of Victory in Europe (VE) Day with celebrations and community events across the country to remember the contribution of British, Commonwealth and Allied Armed Forces personnel and all those citizens who contrib...
Gambling - Commission call for action from Pub sector
We have previously highlighted the publication of guidance jointly by the BBPA and UKHospitality. This followed a series of test purchase operations carried out in respect of gaming machines in licensed premises. Working with Lo...
Non-party Cost Orders - In Licensing Appeals
The recent High Court case of Aldemir v Cornwall Council [2019] EWHC 2407 (Admin) is of interest as it dealt with non-party costs orders in a licensing matter – deciding that non-party costs orders can be issued pursuant to s181 Licensing Ac...
Minimum Unit Pricing - Wales
Today, Wales took a further step towards the establishment of a minimum unit price (MUP) for alcohol. The Welsh Assembly have laid down for consultation within the Assembly itself The Public Health (Minimum Price for Alcohol) (minimum unit p...
Guidance for tackling under-age gambling in pubs
On Thursday, the British Beer & Pub Association (BBPA) and UKHospitality jointly published guidance for tackling under-age gambling in pubs. The key principles of the Charter are: To collaborate across the pub sector and with other industry ...