England & Wales
Gambling - Licensed Premises Notification (LPN) 'to go'?
Business in Licensing (BIL) and Gambling Business Group (GBG) are proposing that the requirement for premises licence holders to notify Licensing Authorities that they wish to use their automatic entitlement of up to two gaming machines be removed...
LNL - Tower Hamlets
At a Council meeting on 18th January Tower Hamlets became the latest Authority to approve a Late Night Levy (LNL) scheme. We have previously reported on the Council’s LNL consultation. The LNL which will effect premises operating betw...
Hartlepool - EMRO to be revisited again?
It may be recalled that in 2013 Hartlepool was the first council to look to adopt an Early Morning Restriction Order (EMRO), only for the attempt to fall away at the eventual hearing which we attended. (Blackpool subsequently followed suit but the...
Changes to copyright laws - calling all operators!
Please bear with us on this (and read on!) – but recently introduced changes to section 72 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 will affect most, if not all, operators and letters of demand for additional licence fees are already i...
Liverpool City Council - Late Night Levy - update
Earlier this month we confirmed that Licensing Authority had adopted the Late Night Levy. Full details of the Levy have now been released. The Levy will commence from 1 April 2017. It will apply to all premises within Licensing Authority geogra...
HoL Select Committee on the Licensing Act 2003: the Health objective and Scotland
At the suggestion of the Clerk to the Committee, we have filed some additional written evidence to the Committee on our experiences of the health objective, and how it works, in Scotland. This will shortly be uploaded to the HoL Committee web pag...
DCMS Entertainment Licensing Statistics in the year to 31 March 2016
DCMS have just released the entertainment licensing statistics for England and Wales in the year to 31 March 2016. They can be found here 'Entertainment Licensing 2016: Statistical Release - November 2016' and also include statistics by region. T...