England & Wales

12 Mar 2018

Possible EMRO for Barrow?

On Sunday 4th March Barrow Police posted the following tweet regarding a curfew for Barrow in Cumbria: What are you views on the licensing of the pubs and clubs in the town centre? Alcohol has a bit impact on our town, police, health & commun...

05 Mar 2018

Relaxation of licensing hours for the Royal Wedding

England and Wales only. The Home Office’s consultation to extend licensing hours for the Royal Wedding has now closed and the response and impact assessment can be found here. In short, the Government has decided to proceed with a licensin...

01 Mar 2018

DPS change application from 23 March 2018

The Licensing Act 2003 (Premises licences and club premises certificates) (Amendment) Regulations 2018 were laid before Parliament yesterday and will come into force on 23 March 2018. It amends the Licensing Act 2003 (Premises licences and club p...

01 Mar 2018

British Summer Time

British Summer Time (or as it may be more properly called Daylight Saving Time) starts at 1am Sunday 25th March 2018. This means that at 1am on that Sunday, the time becomes 2am. Unless you have a specific provision on your licence to cover ...

28 Feb 2018

Revocation of Personal Licence/Immigration

Slough Borough Council Licensing Su- Committee revoked a Personal Licence flowing from the Review of a Premises Licence heard before Hillingdon Borough Council. In June 2017 a multi-agency operation took place with the Metropolitan Police, HM...

22 Feb 2018

Cumulative Impact Policy Findings - Sheffield

Following a public consultation on the possible adoption of a Cumulative Impact Policy in central Sheffield, particularly covering the areas of West Street and Devonshire Green, the consultation findings have been released.  Interestingly, th...