England & Wales

21 May 2018

World Cup 2018: Promotion of the World Cup - be aware

The FIFA World Cup provides an opportunity for pubs to engage with the community and generate sales. However, in planning events or producing items to twin with the World Cup, care must be taken so as to avoid stepping on the toes of FIFA who hav...

17 May 2018

BBPA Guidance for Russia 2018

The BBPA has produced guidance for pubs in anticipation of the imminent World Cup. Suggested advice within the Guidance for pubs contacting the police and licensing officers to let them know plans for showing FIFA World Cup events, as well as mak...

02 May 2018

Licensing - Royal Wedding - Update

Parliament has now approved the draft Order which serves to extend licensing hours on the occasion of the forthcoming Royal  Wedding. As previously reported, the Order allows licensed premises in England and Wales to open for an extra t...

27 Apr 2018

Permission granted to Judicially Review Sheffield's SEV policy.

We have previously reported on the legal actions of Irene Gladdison and the 'Time's Up for Strip Clubs' coalition against Sheffield City Council. Ms. Gladdison, who has been supported financially through the Crowd Justice platform, has now been g...

25 Apr 2018

Changes to Cumulative Impact Areas

The concept of Cumulative Impact Areas has been around for many years. In brief, they were often brought in by licensing authorities through their licensing policies where there was evidence to show that the number or density of licensed premises ...

25 Apr 2018

New Section 182 Guidance Published 2018

The Home Office have now published the latest version of the ‘s. 182’ Guidance. This Guidance is directed to licensing authorities on the discharge of their functions under the 2003 Act.  The new Guidance takes immediate effect ...