England & Wales
HofL Licensing Committee - call for evidence issued
The recently constituted House of Lords Committee set up to conduct scrutiny of the Licensing Act 2003 has just published its call for evidence and invites all interested parties to submit written evidence by 2 September 2016. The request states t...
Cheltenham Late Night Levy – Potential Rethink
In January this year we reported on the sensitive approach adopted by Cheltenham to the interaction of the Late Night Levy (LNL) and establishment of a Business Improvement District (BID). A BID has now been established and will take effect from ...
Nightclub criticised after student rape
A nightclub has been criticised by a Judge after an allegedly drunk student was ejected from the premises before being subsequently abducted and raped in the back of a van. The nightclub removed the teenager after she collapsed in the Birmingham ...
Sheffield - Tramlines Festival - Inner City Music - 22 - 24 July 2016
The annual Tramlines Music Festival is running in central Sheffield between 22 and 24 July 2016 - http://www.tramlines.org.uk/ The Sheffield Authorities have issued some ‘good housekeeping’ guidance which can be found here. The Guida...
Costs recovery - 'Hemmings' in the European Court of Justice
The long running case of Hemmings which concerns the ability of Licensing (and other) Authorities to recover enforcement costs reaches the European Court of Justice (ECJ) today – although judgment is not expected until later in the year. Fo...
Blackpool reject Late Night Levy
At a meeting held on 25th May Blackpool’s Licensing Committee voted against the implementation of the Late Night Levy (LNL); although a review of this decision is anticipated in six month time. In 2014 Blackpool also rejected an application...
Breaking news - New House of Lords committee on licensing established
The House of Lords appointed four new ad hoc committees on Wednesday 25 May, all of which will exist just for the 2016–17 session. One of the committees has been set up specifically to look into the effectiveness and impact of the Licensing...