UEFA Football Championship

11 Jul

Following last night’s nail biting semi-final with England through to the Euro Championship final on Sunday 14th July there is even more to celebrate as The Licensing Act 2003 (UEFA European Football Championship Licensing Hours) Order 2024 (legislation.gov.uk) automatically extends sale of alcohol for an extra two hours until 1 am in pubs, bars and other venues where their premises licence authorises sale of alcohol until 11 pm.

Being a Sunday when many premises may have shorter hours, if your licence only allows sale of alcohol until 10.30 pm then you cannot unfortunately make use of this extension.  It is too late for a TEN but for those that can benefit from the extended hours, let’s hope the celebrations will involve ‘it coming home’ .

Please note this extension only applies to England & Wales. 

For premises planning to take advantage of this extension, you must comply with all your licence conditions throughout the extended period.  Bear in mind the potential for noise nuisance and unruly behaviour ensuring you have risk assessed and put in place appropriate measures to mitigate these.

Contact one of our lawyers if you require further information.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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