Test purchasing in Gambling premises

23 Sep

The Gambling Commission has recently undertaken a round of test purchasing in relation to under 18’s being in gambling licensed premises and playing gaming machines.

The stated aim was to “remind licensed gambling operators of their responsibility to ensure children and young people cannot gain access to age restricted premises and products” rather than take formal action but that may change going forward and premises must be vigilant!

During the operation which we understand took place in the Kirklees area, a child under 16 years old was used and of 18 premises visited, 8 allowed access and play on gaming machines.

The Gambling Commission have indicated the premises in question will face further visits over the next three months and were given advice as to their responsibilities by the police.

Undoubtedly this kind of operation in partnership with local authorities and police will be repeated here and elsewhere and the Gambling Commission have stated as much.


So the message….under age test purchasing is not just an issue for alcohol licensed premises to consider and address!

Law correct at the date of publication.
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