Supplemental Consultation on the Introduction of an Annual Assurance Statement

24 Feb

On the 19th February 2015 the Gambling Commission commenced a consultation that seeks views on the structure and content of the annual assurance statement. The consultation will last 8 weeks and end on the 19th April.

The consultation is further to the one we have already updated you on in relation to proposed amendments to the social responsibility provisions in LCCP.

The Gambling Commission state as follows;

"After assessing views on this proposal, we concluded in our responses document Strengthening social responsibility| that we would take this proposal forward and issue a supplementary consultation in which we would provide further details on the contents of the assurance statement. This document fulfils that commitment. "

The link to the gambling commission statement and consultation is avaliable on the Gambling Commissions website.


Law correct at the date of publication.
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