Scottish Licensing Statistics For 2012/2013 Published

10 Mar

The Scottish Government has published the latest available statistics for licensed premises and types of applications and outcomes for the period 2012/2013.

The full statistics can be viewed here (link), but some interesting points to note are as follows;

  1. not surprisingly Glasgow City and City of Edinburgh have the largest number of licensed premises with 1745 and 1725 respectively.
  2. Similarly they received the most applications for new licences although whereas Glasgow has the greater number of licensed premises Edinburgh received more requests for new licences.
  3. There were 428 applications for Review of premises licences of which there were 47 subsequent revocations for whatever reasons. This compares with 120 cases where no action was taken.
  4. The statistics for personal licences applications are that there were a total of 5628 of which only 20 were refused. The statistics do not appear to detail applications withdrawn before a contested hearing.

In relation to personal licences it will be interesting to see how the upcoming training requirements impact on the statistics in relation to licences lost due to failure to comply with the mandatory requirements in that regard.

So far as new Premises Licences are concerned certainly we are seeing increasing activity in that regard from our national clients.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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