Scotland - Unified Police Force and the consequences for licensing?

21 Nov

We recently attended a presentation by Inspector Allen Morris who leads the National Licensing Policy Unit for Police Scotland and were pleased to hear his thoughts on how the Force is to approach licensing going forward.

As a practice which lodges applications throughout England, Scotland and Wales, we note the lack of consistent approach by different Police Forces, so to hear Inspector Morris proposing the preparation and distribution of Best Practice Policies throughout Scotland and overseeing operational delivery across the country is more than welcome.

We would also support the proposed system of clearly categorising premises, which we believe will support the trade in understanding the Police’s position and the severity of their situation should a premises enter into the ‘monitored’ or ‘problematic’ classification.

It is our intention to engage with the National Licensing Policy Unit and we will update you as to the implementation of their plans, particularly in relation to the development of the Best Practice Inspection regime and the necessity for premises to instigate their own self assessments so as to ensure compliance with the standards set out by the Unit.     




Law correct at the date of publication.
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