Scotland - Statistical Bulletin Crime and Justice Series: Scottish Liquor Licensing Statistics 2013-14

03 Mar

The Scottish Government has produced a Statistical Bulletin "Scottish Liquor Licensing Statistics 2013-14" providing detailed information on premises and personal licences in force, applications and review.

The figures show the overall number of premises licences in force on 31 March 2014 to be 16,276. Of those, around 69% (11,307) were on sale licences with the remaining 31% (4,969) being off sale licences.

It also confirms that in 2013-14, 458 applications for new alcohol premises licences were made of which only 14 (3%) were refused.

In respect of applications for Review of premises licences, 243 applications were made of which 36 licences were suspended and 40 revoked.

The number of Personal Licence holders in Scotland on 31 March 2014 was 57,968 with 5,707 being granted that year as opposed to only 17 which were refused.

Scottish local authorities employed a full-time equivalent of 61 licensing standards officers as at March 2014.

The full bulletin can be viewed here


Law correct at the date of publication.
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