Scotland -SPICe issue Bill briefing

29 Sep

In April 2015, we reported on the introduction of the Alcohol (Licensing, Public Health and Criminal Justice) (Scotland) Bill (a Member's Bill, introduced by Dr Richard Simpson MSP).

As a reminder, the 10 main proposals relate to:

  • minimum pricing for packages containing more than one alcoholic product;
  • alcoholic drinks containing caffeine;
  • age discrimination in off-sales;
  • container marking in off-sales;
  • community involvement in licensing decisions;
  • restrictions on alcohol advertising;
  • alcohol education policy statements;
  • drinking banning orders;
  • alcohol awareness training as alternative to fixed penalty notices; and
  • notification of offender's GP.

As an update, the Bill is still within the Stage 1 process and the Scottish Parliament Information Centre (SPICe) briefing on the Bill has just been released. For those interested, it can be found here.



Law correct at the date of publication.
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