Scotland - Drink Drive Limits

22 Mar

The Scottish Justice Secretary, Kenny MacAskill, has confirmed that the Government intends to lower the drink drive limit in Scotland. 

Following a consultation in which 74% of respondents agreed that the drink drive limit should be reduced, the Scottish Government is now keen to implement the change.

It is proposed that the blood alcohol limit should be lowered from 80 mg to 50 mg of alcohol in every 100 ml of blood.

The Government will now enter into a further consultation with the Police and UK Government, as the change will bring Scotland in line with countries such as Germany, France and Spain but at odds with the law in England.

On this point, Kenny MacAskill stated:

"Before a lower limit is introduced, we will also consider issues such as how motorists driving into Scotland from England will be made aware of the lower limit. We are exploring options with Transport Scotland, Police and Justice and Road Safety Partners as we move forward with our plans".

We will update you when Regulations are placed before the Scottish Parliament. 

Law correct at the date of publication.
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