Scotland - 125ml Wine Measure

28 Jan

The Weights & Measures (Specified Quantities) (Unwrapped Bread and Intoxicating Liquor) Order of 2011 confirms wine can be sold by measures of 125ml and 175ml or multiples of either with a permitted sample sale of 75ml.

However, in recent years the trend has been for most bars and pubs to retail wine in measures of 175ml (medium) and 250 ml (large). The Public Health Minister, Michael Matheson, on behalf of the Scottish Government has established a campaign to try and reduce the amount of units consumed by promoting the smaller measure of 125ml. Mr. Matheson has stated “A large glass of wine can contain over 3 units of alcohol which is in excess of a woman’s daily recommended intake and equivalent to a man’s recommended daily intake”.  He went on to comment that the provision of the 125ml measure provides individuals with an ability to choose a smaller measure should they wish to do so and thus businesses will provide their customers with an opportunity to drink responsibly.

The promotion of the 125ml measure is one of the steps forming part of the Scottish Government’s Alcohol Framework. The voluntary campaign requests operators to:

  • Put the 125ml option on menus and price lists;
  • Display posters and signs promoting the 125ml measure for wine;
  • Ensure staff know the existence of the 125ml wine measure and have appropriate glassware.


Art work and materials are available from the campaign website

Law correct at the date of publication.
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