Pyschoactive Substances Act - Guidance


03 Jun

Further to our recent news confirming that this Act is now in force, guidance on the Act for councils has now been produced by the Local Government Association.

The Act introduced a blanket ban on the production and distribution of psychoactive substances, defined as any substance which is capable of producing a psychoactive effect in a person who consumes it (and which is not an exempted substance) – also known as ‘legal highs’.

Principally, it created four notable criminal offences, being:

  • producing a psychoactive substance;
  • supplying, or offering to supply, a psychoactive substance;
  • possession of psychoactive substance with intent to supply; and
  • importing or exporting a psychoactive substance.

If of interest, it can be found here: 'Psychoactive Substances Act: A council guide'.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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