Primary Authority

18 Jun

In November we reported that the Government was to take forward legislation (in England and Wales) to extend Primary Authority to fire safety with effect from 6 April 2014 ('Primary Authority to be extended to fire safety'). From the 6th April Primary Authority was also extended to cover age-restricted sales of alcohol.

The Extension of the Primary Authority Scheme in relation to under age sales will streamline underage sales alcohol advice and allows businesses operating within more than one local authority to form a statutory partnership with just one.

The extension of the Primary Authority should therefore ensure a more consistent approach to regulation in this area for affected businesses with sites in multiple local authorities. The scheme allows businesses to enter into a partnership with, and subsequently deal with, a single lead local authority which will then coordinate any inspection and enforcement activities.

There are currently around 1,500 businesses that have entered into Primary Authority agreements, covering areas of regulation such as trading standards and environmental health.

Further details can be obtained by clicking on the following links:

Primary Authority Statutory Guidance

Primary Authority Handbook

Primary Authority Extension

List of Primary Authority Categories


Law correct at the date of publication.
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