Nightclub criticised after student rape


07 Jun

A nightclub has been criticised by a Judge after an allegedly drunk student was ejected from the premises before being subsequently abducted and raped in the back of a van.

The nightclub removed the teenager after she collapsed in the Birmingham city centre venue. She was lured into a van and driven to an industrial estate where she was raped and sexually assaulted. The comments follow convictions for rape and sexual assault in Birmingham Crown Court.

In delivering her verdict, the Judge accused the nightclub of "abandoning" the young woman on the street.

"We have heard how the establishment carries on serving drinks to students who have had far more than enough to drink," she said. "Then they fail to take responsibility for the students, they removed (her) after she collapsed inside”.

Asked to comment on the case and the responsibility of licensed premises in such circumstances this morning on the BBC WM Breakfast Show, John Gaunt said it was the responsibility of all licensed premises both legally and morally to ensure the welfare and safety of their customers, and especially those who may find themselves in a vulnerable position. Quite apart from any issues arising from allowing drunkenness on licensed premises, the licensing objective of ‘public safety’ requires licence holders to ensure the safety of those using their premises as part of their duties under the 2003 Act. This includes ensuring the safety of customers when leaving the premises and ensuring the presence on premises of trained first aiders (and giving such aid where required).

It is not known whether it is intended that the premises licence for these particular premises may be reviewed now the criminal proceedings have concluded.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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