Latest News

17 May 2019

Food Safety: Judge reminds operators duty of care they owe to customers with allergies

This week, a Court of Appeal case has once again given a timely reminder to operators of their duty of care to customers with allergies. In Kuddus v R. [2019] EWCA Crim 837 (16 May 2019), which concerned a takeaway owner who was jailed for the ma...

17 May 2019

Durham - Licensing Policy

Durham County Council has recently closed their consultation on their new proposed licensing statement for the next 5 years.  The Policy which covers the entire County has been recently criticised by Durham City’s Labour MP, Dr. Roberta...

16 May 2019

Scotland - Deposit Return Scheme (DRS)

Scotland was the first part of the UK to announce that is was planning to bring forward a deposit return scheme.  Following the closure of their public consultation on a Deposit Return Scheme the Scottish government have published their anal...

15 May 2019

Gambling - Defining Gambling Harm

As part of their recently launched National Strategy to Reduce Gambling Harms a new framework to understand gambling harms experienced by children and young people has now been published by the Gambling Commission. The new framework document can ...

14 May 2019

Scotland - Last chance for licence renewals

We cannot promise this will be the last reminder from us on the requirement to renew Scottish personal licences which are due to expire on 31st August 2019 (if in doubt check your personal licence document for the expiry date) but the deadline to ...

08 May 2019

Below cost sales - Guidance

The prohibition on the sale of alcohol below ‘cost’ has long been a mandatory condition of all premises licences in England & Wales.  It came into effect on 28th May 2014. The Government define ‘cost’ as the amoun...