Latest News

02 Dec 2014

Powers of Entry Code to come into force in 2015

We previously reported in June that the Government was seeking to introduce the Powers of Entry Code 'this year'. However, the Home Office has now announced that it will not be introduced until 2015. With regards implications for Licensing A...

01 Dec 2014

Research into Gambling Machine use in Betting Offices published by the Responsible Gambling Trust

The Responsible Gambling Trust (RGT) has today published research into gaming machines in Betting Offices which it indicates “shows that it is possible to distinguish between problem and non-problem gambling behaviour”. The programme o...

28 Nov 2014

Legislative Reform (Entertainment Licensing) Order 2014 - working draft of Government Guidance issued

The Legislative Reform (Entertainment Licensing) Order 2014 is still on course to be implemented in spring next year as mentioned in our previous article here.  As would be expected, chapter 15 of the Government Guidance dealing with regulat...

28 Nov 2014

Personal Licence Renewals - Latest Update

The Government has today issued guidance to both Licensing Authorities and personal licence holders concerning the requirement or not to renew personal licences. We have previously updated on the "will you; won't you" question of renewal. Legisla...

24 Nov 2014

Planning Use Class - When is a pub a pub?

A frequent point of discussion is within which Use Class the various operating formats of the leisure industry falls into.  A traditional Public House is clearly Class A4 but today is there such a thing as a traditional Public House.  In...

24 Nov 2014

Gambling - FOBTs another development

We have recently received an update on developments in the ever changing news area of FOBT's (see our article of 4th November: ‘Fixed Odds Betting Terminals - The story continues'). This is an area where councils are also having their say. I...