Latest News

18 Dec 2015

2016 Interbrewery Regatta - 20th – 22nd May 2016 - and JG&P!

Given that Sheffield is about as far as you can get from the sea, it just seemed the sensible decision for there to be a JG&P sponsored boat in the above weekend regatta!  Partners John Gaunt and Kate Redford will be leading a team of int...

17 Dec 2015

Gambling - Commission Published Consultation Response on Fees

As previously reported, on 1st September the Commission published a document detailing their views on a number of Gaming related fees and invited comment from stakeholders on the approach detailed therein. Following the close of the consultation ...

16 Dec 2015

Gambling - and advertising. Parliamentary Briefing

The rules on gambling advertising are designed to ensure that the under-18s and other vulnerable persons are not harmed or exploited by advertising that features or promotes gambling. Gambling and betting operators advertising to British customer...

16 Dec 2015

Prohibition of Tobacco Displays in Shops - the Law

This is for those interested in the law in this area and where (apart from in specialist tobacconists) any tobacco display is prohibited - and how the law has been developed in recent times. A Parliamentary Briefing paper has just been published ...

15 Dec 2015

Gambling - Commission Consultation on Remote Gambling and Software Testing Issued

The Gambling Commission recently published a consultation aimed at proposed changes to the testing strategy for compliance with remote gambling and software technical standards. The consultation runs until 11th February next year. The GC indicate...

14 Dec 2015

Scotland - A further client appointment

We are pleased to be able to confirm that we have recently been appointed to advise Trust Inns in relation to a significant part of their Scottish licensing estate. JG&P have acted within England and Wales for many years for Trust Inns. Partn...