Irresponsible Drinking Promotions - 'NekNominate' - update

26 Feb

Following our item on the risks of ‘Neknominate’, posted on 11 February, the BBPA alert us to the fact that the issue of this activity was raised in Parliament this week.

In a written answer covering the Government response to 'Neknomination', the Public Health Minister apparently stated:

'Reports of the popularity of the drinking game Neknomination are a matter of concern. The game's encouragement of participants to outdo each other with ever more reckless stunts brings with it significant risks of alcohol-related harm including acute intoxication, alcohol poisoning, accidents and injury.

There is also the potential for cyber bullying of those who are seen to ‘chicken out’. It has already cost lives and we would advise anyone against taking part in the game to avoid putting themselves in a potentially dangerous situation.

On 6 February 2014, Public Health England posted some information about the risks of taking part in Neknomination on its FRANK drug information website (aimed at young people):

The article warned of the health risks of drinking too much alcohol on a single occasion, and included some advice about what to do if young people are feeling under pressure.'



Law correct at the date of publication.
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