House of Lords Select Committee on the Licensing Act 2003 - report imminently due!


29 Mar

The report of House of Lords Select Committee on the Licensing Act 2003 is due to be published next Tuesday – 4 April.

To remind - this House of Lords Select Committee has been conducting post-legislative scrutiny of the Licensing Act, after some ten years. There was a call for written evidence following which the Committee has heard oral evidence over recent months. Our own John Gaunt was called to give evidence as an expert practitioner in this field. Barrister Sarah Clover (of Kings Chambers) has acted as the Specialist Adviser to the committee throughout.

The report is eagerly awaited, not least by the Government who has postponed proposed changes to Cumulative Impact Policies and the Late Night Levy until they have seen what is recommended.

House of Lords Select Committee

We will update further just as soon as we are able.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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