House of Lords enquiry into EU Alcohol Strategy

01 Aug

The House of Lords EU Sub-Committee on Home Affairs, Health and Education, chaired by Baroness Prashar, is conducting an inquiry into the European Union Alcohol Strategy.

The European Commission adopted its first EU Alcohol Strategy (2006-2012) in October 2006. The Strategy addressed the adverse health effects related to harmful and hazardous alcohol consumption and highlighted five priority themes to concentrate actions on for the period up to 2012. These were: protecting young people, including children and the unborn child; reducing injuries and deaths from alcohol-related road accidents; preventing alcohol-related harm among adults and reducing the negative impact in workplaces; educating people and raising awareness of the impact and dangers of alcohol abuse; and developing and maintaining a record of similar cases across the EU.

Since the EU Alcohol Strategy expired in 2012, there have been calls for a new strategy, expected to run from 2016-2022. The inquiry will investigate how successful the current Strategy has been in achieving its aims, and, in light of this make suggestions about the content of the new Strategy and how it might be more effective.

The call for evidence can be viewed here. 

The deadline for submitting written evidence to the Committee is Friday 19 September 2014. The Committee will hold public oral evidence sessions for the inquiry when the House returns from the summer.

For more information, or to submit evidence, click here.


Law correct at the date of publication.
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