Harrow - EMRO

21 Aug

Harrow’s consultation on their limited Christmas EMRO closes on the 28th September 2013.  Harrow’s proposals are unusual by comparison to other EMRO currently being pursued in terms of the limited area, hours of effect, and limited life span.

The EMRO which, if implemented, may affect up to 21 licensed premises in the area of Stanmore Hill, Church Road and London Road as identified on the EMRO plan.

In previous years the Licensing Authority had experienced an increase in the use of TEN applications around the Christmas period.

Following on from what was seen as a ‘considerable increase’ in complaints arising from these TENs additional patrols were organised by the Licensing Team up to 5am in order to visit and monitor closing times and dispersal policies of each venue. Whilst it is reported this reduced some of the complaints, some residents continued to allege anti social behaviour from patrons until the early hours of the morning.  

In response, the Licensing Authority are proposing a limited EMRO for the upcoming festive period; the EMRO would start at 02.00 and finish at 06.00 everyday starting on 1 November 2013 and finishing on 5 January 2014.  This would defeat any TEN applications served this season which sought to extend trade beyond 02:00, premises normally licensed until after 02:00 would also be restricted during this often lucrative trading period.

It is reported that Representations concerning the EMRO will be considered by the Licensing Committee hearing on October 10th with the order could be placed at a meeting on November 14th, if approved.

We will continue to monitor the progress of this EMRO.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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