Gaming - Triennial News

30 Sep

We previously reported in June that The Gambling Commission had provided a formal advice to the Secretary of State on the triennial review of stakes and prize limits on gaming machines see our article 'Triennial Review Of Stake And Prize Limits On Gaming Machines'. 

The DCMS has now reported that any changes are likely to be in line with the Government’s recommendations.  It has also been announced that the Approval stage is almost complete.  Once completed and any changes tabled, the matter will then go overseas to the EU and its technical standards process.  It will then return (after a period of 90 days) at which time the House Of Commons will then vote. It is therefore looking like January 2014 before the Commons will vote with 2 weeks then provided to implement.

Whilst the matter is before the EU technical standards process, regulations will be prepared.

We shall of course keep you updated as soon as we are aware of any developments.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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