Gaming Machine Use

14 Mar


A report has just been published which seeks to give some historic information on the profile of gaming machine users in various different venues. The report was commissioned in 2012 by the gambling commission and is based on information from the historic British Gambling prevalence surveys from 1999, 2007 and 2010.

A summary of the report can be seen by following the link below to the Gambling Commission website which in turn has a link to the full report itself.

Amongst the points to note are the following:

  1. It is still a male dominated pastime and primarily undertaken by those aged between 18 – 34;
  2. Overall there has been a decline in use of ‘slot machines’ outside bookmakers although within that there has been a slight increase in use by females;
  3. Between 2007 and 2010 there has been a small increase in machine use in bookmakers.
  4. The largest proportion of machine users (46%) still used pub gaming machines.
  5. Perhaps not surprisingly the report indicates that those playing pub machine games “consumed higher levels of alcohol”.


    The full research report is available hear: 'Gaming Machine Research Programme'


    Law correct at the date of publication.
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