Gaming - FOBTS - Concerns Expressed

13 Nov

In the ever developing area of Fixed Odds Betting Terminals (FOBTs) Liverpool Council has become the latest to become involved in the subject.

We understand that at a meeting of the Council on 6 November a number of different matters were discussed and the issue of FOBT's led to the following requests:

"Council therefore requests that:

  • The Chief Executive write to the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport to outline the terms of this motion and demand urgent action against FOBTs by the Government.
  • While recognising that interventions taken by other local authorities may or may not be applicable and/or the most desirable routes to address the situation in Liverpool and that they may be other measures that can be explored, the Cabinet Members for Regeneration and Living Environment and Localism report back within one cycle on appropriate joined-up steps that could be taken within existing powers in Liverpool to reduce the problems caused by FOBTs in the city in the absence of further Government action."

It will be interesting to see what, if any, actions are proposed to be taken by the Council following the report referred to. We will monitor the situation.

To view a copy of the agenda report please follow this link: 'Agenda item - Fixed Odds Betting Terminals by Councillors Nick Small and Sharon Sullivan'.



Law correct at the date of publication.
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