Gaming - DCMS postpones Gambling (Licensing and Advertising) Act 2014 coming into force until 1 November 2014

26 Sep

News reaches us that the implementation of the Gambling (Licensing and Advertising) Act is to be postponed from 1 October until 1 November. We have previously reported on the anticipated implementation on 1 October. (see our article 'Gaming - Continuation rights... four weeks and counting'). However  the Act has been subject to legal challenge.

At the end of a two day Judicial Review hearing on 24 September, we understand the Judge indicated that given the complex legal arguments he was unlikely to be able to give a definitive judgement before 1 October 2014.  Following on from this DCMS has announced  that  "to allow the Judge to reach his judgement without undue time pressure we will be taking the necessary steps to postpone the Act coming into force for one month". 

The Gambling Commission have issued a statement as follows;

"We appreciate and understand that applicants for continuation licences have been working towards full implementation on 1 October 2014 and may be concerned about the implications of this change.  Today we have written to applicants explaining this change suggesting that if they are concerned they contact us on explaining what their concern is and we will get back to them."

We will keep you updated on developments 


Law correct at the date of publication.
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