Gaming - Continuation rights... four weeks and counting

19 Aug

Offshore gambling operators who are currently regulated overseas but who provide online (remote) gambling to consumers in Britain have until 16 September 2014 to apply for a continuation licence which will prevent their business being impacted by amendments to the Gambling Act 2005, which are expected to come into force on 1 October 2014.

With four weeks left until the deadline, offshore operators will need to ensure that they lodge the requisite application with the Gambling Commission and submit the appropriate fee to ensure their business is not impacted immediately on that date.

We would highlight that as long as an application is lodged prior to the 16 September 2014, albeit not been determined by commencement of the Act, the applicant will be issued with a continuation licence to enable them to continue to trade until completion of the application process.

If you require assistance in obtaining an Operating Licence or Personal Management Licences, please contact one of our solicitors.


Law correct at the date of publication.
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