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Scottish Minimum Unit Pricing - Update
Following the end of the consultation by the Scottish executive as to the continuation or modification of minimum unit pricing in Scotland there are strong rumours as to the new level. It is being widely leaked that there will be an increase in t...
Six-week Martyn’s Law Consultation Launched
The Government has launched a six-week consultation in relation to the proposed Martyn’s Law, named for Martyn Hett who tragically lost his life along with 21 others in the Manchester Arena bombing in May 2017. Martyn’s Law seeks that...
Disposable vapes to be banned
In forming part of the Government’s plans to control the rising numbers of young people vaping, the Government has announced an intention to ban disposable vapes and bring forward additional measures to prevent vapes (non-disposable) being m...
New development in the digitisation of proof of age identification for alcohol sales
In the latest development in what has been a long running area for discussion, this being the use of digital technology in proof of age identification for the sale of alcohol, the Minister of State for Alcohol, Policing and Fire Mr. Chris Philp ha...
Wales : Statutory Registration for Visitor Accommodation
Following on from the consultation previously newsed formal plans to introduce a statutory registration and licensing scheme for all visitor accommodation have been announced by the Deputy Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism, Dawn Bowden. The leg...
Portman Group Issues Alcohol Alternatives Guidance
The Portman Group have launched the first industry-wide Alcohol Alternatives Guidance for packaging and marketing of alcohol alternatives to ensure that they are marketed and sold responsibly to consumers. An ‘alcohol alternative’ dri...