Gambling - Gambling Commission Announces a Review of LCCP with a View to Strengthening Social Responsibility Provisions

03 Jun

The Gambling Commission has announced a review of LCCP “with a view to strengthening social responsibility provisions”.

This area is often in the press and media generally.

The 12 week consultation will take place over the summer with new measures said to be expected to be in place by the first half of 2015 and to include the following;

  • Mandating a higher degree of player monitoring .e.g. supervision , customer interaction and machine based interventions.
  • Improving self-exclusion
  • More effective controls to prevent underage gambling
  • Improving the quality of information provided to players


Further details (albeit brief) can be found here: 'Review of licence conditions and codes of practice (LCCP)'

Law correct at the date of publication.
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