Gambling - Foreign Operator Regulation Update

24 Mar

The Gambling (Licensing and Advertising) Bill, which will regulate foreign Operators who transact with or advertise to British consumers, took another step forwards on 18 March 2014 with the Bill receiving its third reading in the House of Lords.

Amendments proposed by the Lords have been returned to the House of Commons and will be considered on 26 March 2014 after which the Bill will be eligible to receive Royal Assent.

If approved in its present format the following activities will require licensing by the Gambling Commission:

  • require gambling operators that transact with or advertise to British consumers to obtain a licence;
  • a licence will be required if remote gambling equipment in Great Britain is retained; and
  • those that just advertise remote gambling will require a licence.

Transitional arrangements are yet to be finalised however existing Operators are expected to be eligible for a 'continuation licence' for current activities while formal applications are considered by the Commission.

New entities entering the market, or existing Operators wishing to expand their range of activities, will be required to await determination of their application by the Commission before commencing trade.

We shall keep you updated as to the Bill's progress.



Law correct at the date of publication.
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