Gambling - Consultation on proposals to remove various lottery restrictions

05 Mar

The DCMS has launched a ‘fast-tracked’ consultation on proposals to remove various restrictions that apply to certain types of lotteries.

In response to the Government’s Red Tape Challenge, the DCMS is publishing a consultation which proposes lifting restrictions on incidental non-commercial lotteries to also allow them to be held at commercial events and to allow private society, work and residents’ lotteries to be able to raise money for charities and good causes.

It has been identified within the Gambling Act 2005 that there are rules that apply to certain exempt lotteries, such as incidental non-commercial lotteries run by school PTAs and which prevent, for instance, pubs from organising lotteries to raise money for charity without being able to keep the profits on food and drink.

The existing rules are in place to protect participants and organisers from accusations of unfairness or impropriety and also to keep them low level in terms of proceeds. It is hoped that by simplifying them it will make it easier for voluntary groups and commercial organisations to raise money for charity.

The full consultation can be found here.

The consultation period will run for 6 weeks from 27 February to 10 April 2014.


Responses should be sent to

Law correct at the date of publication.
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