Gambling Commission review of LCCP and regulation of Bingo

24 Apr

The Gambling Commission have announced a review to "strengthen social responsibility and player protection" in the Licence Conditions and Codes of Practice and Guidance to Local Authorities.

This will take into account the following;

  • the Secretary of State's call for aspects of the Association of British Bookmaker's betting code to be mandated
  • work with the Advertising Standards Authority on the marketing and advertising of free bets and bonuses
  • the need for significant progress in establishing national self-exclusion schemes for both remote and non-remote gamblers.

In addition the Commission have announced they will be looking into aspects of the regulation of Bingo and in particular;:

  • recent interest in the provision of bingo outside of the environment with which it is normally associated
  • the risk that bingo will be offered under the auspices of a bingo premises licence despite the fact that bingo is unlikely to be the primary activity in those premises
  • recent technical developments related to the offer of electronic bingo.

This could have very wide implications as Bingo is now widely played outside traditional bingo clubs.

To view the Commission press release please click here and a formal consultation is anticipated and we will keep you posted.


Law correct at the date of publication.
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